Child Psychology & Development

Learn about the Physical, Mental, Social, Emotional, and Cognitive development & Psychology of a Child.

Advanced 0(0 Ratings) 0 Students Enrolled
Created By Godwin Derek Last Updated Tue, 31-May-2022 English
What Will I Learn?
  • Learn about the Physical Growth, Development, Health, and Milestones achieved by Kids
  • Cognitive Growth & Mental Approach of Kids
  • Communicative development of a Child
  • Speech & Language Milestones of Kids
  • Social Conduct, Aspects of life, Dealings with people
  • Thinking, Learning, & General Abilities of Kids
  • Emotional Feelings, Relationships, Association & Actions
  • Effect of Divorce on the Psychy of Kids

Curriculum For This Course
3 Lessons 00:09:36 Hours
0-12 month old child's psychology and development
1 Lessons 00:04:48 Hours
  • Physical growth, developemnt and milestaone of 1 year old child 00:04:48
  • Physical Growth, Development, & Milestones of 2 Years Old Child 00:04:48
  • Cognitive Development & Mental Approach of 2 Years Old Child 00:00:00
  • No requirements
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<p>If you are searching for any&nbsp;<strong>child psychology certificate</strong>,&nbsp;<strong>babysitting course</strong>, or a&nbsp;<strong>child psychology diploma</strong>&nbsp;then you are at the right place. Because this course will help you in firming the grip on different psychological domain related topics such as clinical psychology,&nbsp;<strong>cognitive behavior</strong>&nbsp;therapy, complex ptsd, and&nbsp;<strong>early childhood education (ECE).</strong></p> <p>Based on the diversity of human nature and their cross cultural communication, I have put more emphasis on the&nbsp;<strong>basic introduction to sociology &amp; psychology</strong>&nbsp;in this course. So, this course may prove valid and valuable like an internationally accredited diploma. It is not a fully accredited professional child psychology diploma, anyhow, it provides great information on the&nbsp;<strong>mindset coaching of kids</strong>&nbsp;as well as relationship&nbsp;<strong>counseling of children</strong>. This course may prove the complete guide to becoming a babysitter as it elaborates the topics of psychology of diversity and unconscious bias. It gives basic tips for single parents also and tells how to deal with young kids in their normal routine of life.</p> <p><strong>Parenting</strong>&nbsp;is not an easy task. As it deals with the&nbsp;<strong>psychoanalysis</strong>,&nbsp;<strong>neuropsychology</strong>, mind reading, sociology, and counselling children and adolescents. Parents not only need to learn social psychology politics but also focus on the past life regression in the relationships.&nbsp;<strong>Human psychology</strong>&nbsp;is very difficult to understand as we have seen many psychopaths in the history of the world.</p> <p>Whether you are a&nbsp;<strong>babysitter</strong>,&nbsp;<strong>single mom</strong>,&nbsp;<strong>single dad</strong>, or a&nbsp;<strong>caregiver</strong>. Whether you are a relationship coach, rebt practitioner, related to ptsd, sadhguru, and psychotherapy certification. This basic learning material is going to make you master in the art of child development,&nbsp;<strong>potty training</strong>, psychology counseling, and relationship coaching of children.</p> <p>We hear about strange words like emdr therapy and training, forensic psychology, forensics, gestalt therapy, hypnosis certification, and hypnotherapy certification. In our daily life, we also learn some unique phenomenal words such as masculinity, life coach certification, and marriage counseling. We don't know even the meaning of some of these words, but as I have told before that being a parent is not so much easy. As a parent, we need a lot of research and knowledge so that we may succeed in the&nbsp;<strong>best physical, cognitive, emotional, and speech development of children.</strong></p> <p>There are many medical &amp; ayurveda accredited techniques on the internet. There are also many counselling courses and diploma. Some of them are based on couples counseling. While others are related to some sort of criminology, criminal psychology, criminal law and justice.</p> <p>Newborn&nbsp;<strong>baby care</strong>&nbsp;starts from the pregnancy and birth. Then after birth, parents have to take special care of newborn baby food, baby sleep,&nbsp;<strong>early childhood development</strong>, early childhood education, and montessori education. Many mothers learn breastfeeding, early childhood foundations course, montessori course, and different diplomas about midwife and childbirth education. These things are essential for the best growth and development of babies. Anyhow, there is the need to enroll in a right course that might prove to be fruitful.</p> <p>There is a lot of basic learning material on different websites to help parents raise up their kids in natural way. As parents don't want that their kid become a criminal or a&nbsp;<strong>psycho</strong>&nbsp;in the future. So, it is better to buy or search for the&nbsp;<strong>best information guide for the child development.</strong></p> <p>I hope you are going to register into this valuable and informative course. Best wishes!</p>
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